High School Academic Coaching

Nightly Homework Battles

A homework battle between parents and their teenage children (High school students) plays out in millions of households across the country on a daily basis. The nightly drama surrounding homework that plagues many families is so common it could almost be considered normal if it wasn’t so disruptive and toxic.

On one side is the high school student, engrossed in YouTube, video games, or social media while chronically procrastinating on starting their homework or studying. On the other side is the overwhelmed and frustrated parent who is sick and tired of repeatedly asking their child to start doing their work.

The child yells for the parent to stop nagging while the parent yells for the child to get off the gaming console and start doing schoolwork. And if the high schooler in question has ADHD, then this entire scenario can become much more serious and contentious.

Students with ADHD frequently suffer

Students with ADHD frequently suffer from the following:

Experience What Is Possible

GEL coaches work with many families who feel at a crossroads with their children. The dynamic at home can become so toxic due to regular arguments over academics that the relationship between the parent and child can sometimes appear almost non-existent.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Before anything can be done to improve the situation at home regarding academics, it’s important to understand the child’s behavior and why they do what they do. If the child has executive function deficits or ADHD, which the majority of our high school student clients do, then understanding why the behaviors occur is even more critical if a change is to happen.

Impact of ADHD

To help understand why many students with ADHD resist doing homework, it’s important to recognize that individuals with ADHD struggle with regulating their behavior (amongst other challenges), especially when it comes to delayed gratification. What that means is that given a choice to:

The child with ADHD will most likely choose to play video games or watch YouTube now until they fall asleep and worry about homework tomorrow. While the issue with delayed gratification may help to explain why your teenager fights you every night when you ask them to get off the gaming console, it certainly doesn’t make it right. So what is a parent to do?

GEL Helps high school students:

Our experience

Our experience serving students with ADHD has shown us that these individuals often desperately want to do better in school; the problem is they just don’t know how. While that may sound like an excuse to some, that is, in fact, exactly the issue for most of these students.

Successfully helping students with ADHD is a challenge because it requires becoming highly knowledgeable in many different areas. From many years of experience working one-on-one with students who have ADHD, we can confidently say that we understand these students’ needs.

Perhaps more importantly, we know how to build the trust necessary to develop with a student who has likely struggled in school their whole life.

research-based approach

Our CEO, Eran Grayson, developed a highly effective research-based approach to working with students who are underperforming in school and have ADHD. Our philosophy to working with our clients is to not only provide them with the structure, strategies, and skills they desperately need to succeed in school but just as important, if perhaps not more so, our service is centered on clients taking ownership of their academics through accountability.

The emphasis our service places on accountability is incredibly effective and has resulted in removing the parents from the role of academic enforcers to the role of parents. Imagine the possibility of no more nightly homework battles.

What would it mean to your relationship with your child if your child took ownership over their academics, and when issues arose, your child had a trusted advisor and coach that helped them problem solve their own challenges?

What would it mean for your child to achieve confidence that they not only possess the knowledge and tools to succeed in school but that their academic victories were a result of choices they made for themselves as opposed to choices imposed upon them?

Coaching opens endless possibilities...


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